2024 –Intonapapaveri

“Intonapapaveri” is a work conceived for the installation “1000 Papaveri Rossi” in memory of the artist Gherardo Frassa in the “d’ADA” festival – Art Design / Architecture 2024. The installation takes its inspiration at a conceptual and formal level from the research that Gherardo Frassa carried out on the “Flora Meccanica Futurista” and the “intonarumori”, a family of musical instruments invented in 1913 by Luigi Russolo.

The solution at a structural level refers to mechanical music, a technology that originated in 1400, where we find the first musical machine designed by Leonardo da Vinci in the Atlantic Code. The sound intervention is a free interpretation of the famous song by Fabrizio De Andrè “la guerra di Piero”.
The work is composed of a harmonic metal cone connected to a roller system on which studs are arranged that can strike tuned metal slats. The mechanical system uses the movement and weight of the person to activate the internal mechanism that produces sound.
CONTEXT REQUIREMENTS The installation will be placed outdoors on a lawn within the historic area of the Breno castle The use of a cone to analogically amplify the harmony and the 360° rotary movement allow the sound to spread and refract on the walls of the castle walls.