2023 – Il tempo è tutto attaccato

Sound installation (2 magnetic tapes, 2 cassette players, 3 speakers. 3 headphones)
From an idea by Neunau created in collaboration with Ernesto Tortorella.

“Il tempo è tutto attaccato” is the synthesis sound installation of the artistic residency created at the CaMon Center by the sound artist Neunau. The work was created in collaboration with Ernesto Tortorella of the composition course for new technologies at the Darfo Conservatory. It consists of two cassette players from which the magnetic tapes come out, composing a loop track in which the precious “sonic memory” of the Monno community is recorded. The left player is connected to 3 speakers located behind the panel and transmits the soundscape. Three headphones are connected to the player on the right and it is possible to listen to the oral testimonies collected. Two hemispheres are represented, defined by the presence of the “re” torrent which separates the town into two portions.
The installation can be viewed at the Ca’mon center for mountain art and craftsmanship in Monno (Bs).